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Lean Approach to Software Testing: Explained

Avanish Pandey

October 1, 2022

Lean Approach to Software Testing: Explained

When you have continuously changing surroundings. When things are always agile it is no wonder that the output of the team goes down. This comes from the fact that people are continuously doing new things, while higher efficiency requires you to repeating something over and over to produce greater momentum. Lean Approach focuses on tackling this problem during the process of software testing. 

Forrester survey reports suggest

When people are constantly doing new things in an agile team most of them lack perfection in skills

So, Finding a more suitable software testing technique that fits in an Agile environment is very important.

How Lean Approach for Software Testing gets a high return on coverage?

The best way for achieving this is to follow the Lean Approach or in other words Lean Testing. This method has an economic approach that helps to add value and reduce wastage at the same time. It is free from the development methodology. Software testing experts with specific professional skills know how to customize a service. So that it is meeting the organizational needs and not to the Generic Standards. Regular delivery and efficient approach generate the Lean Approach for testing.

Experts use this approach for analyzing the costs and the benefits for better business results. With this approach to testing, we can improve balancing costs, speed, and confidence. Lean allows us to do more for less. The philosophy is to create the best value of services for users.

Software experts define the Lean Approach to be fast and easy to use. There are no useless information or features in this approach, just the basics.

The in-house team cooperates with the external members in the software testing process by following the Lean Approach.

How to achieve this?

Identify – Focusing on extracting the best from the available resources, Sometimes your team has all the qualities you look outside for, you just need to Leverage the experience and skills of your team.

Plan – Creating the right permissions and tasks matching with the role of people in the team.

Execute – Focusing on making Software testing easy and fast, thus reducing the overall cost. Design tests and delivers what the customers want.

Review – Analyse the weaknesses and create a plan to improve.

How Lean Approach is a perfect answer?

The result of following the Lean Approach towards Software Testing leads to a quick turnaround for new functionalities and the testing required for them.

In Addition, the Lean Approach focuses on

Analyzing the weaknesses in the iteration.

Creating a plan to reduce it and tackle it in any future iterations.

thus reducing and sometimes even removing the cost.

Simplifying the process, removing redundant steps and simplifying tools that are used for complex software projects are some of the key aspects of Staying Lean throughout the development and testing.

Doing this will turn your Failures into success.

The four basic pillars that strengthen the Lean Approach

Voice Of the Customer(VOC)

Focus on the voice of customers instead of in-house comparisons and goals, give importance to the feedback of customers, this will improve the value of your product. This will show in the Return On Investment. Work on things that serve the purpose of customers. Remove the functionalities that do not match with the job that the product does for the customer. By focusing on the lean approach the cost of software testing and rework on items that are not of high weight will go down.

Operating System(OS)

Focus on how the systems are designed and the support needed for them. Make sure that the working layout is supporting everything in the current setup.

Make sure that all these are part of the regular testing process. This means that the high priority things are always up and we are also cutting down the cost on things that are not part of the current architecture.

Management Infrastructure(MI)

Keep the focus on leading people within the team. This will help you to make sure that the team is giving its best. This is achieved by focusing on the relevant resources as per the Operating System(OP). Both OP & MI work in tandem to achieve high-quality work and highest output.

Mindset & Behavior(MB)

MI acts as a bridge between OS & MB, so when MI is strong it leads to a highly accelerated and positive mindset within the team. Thus moving towards great behaviour and high achievement in every iteration performed.

Phases of the Lean Approach to Software Testing

Identifying, managing, and dropping all the flaws and wastages.

Types of wastages are

Unrequested features and changes. Unrequired architectures and OS. Unoptimized and un-managed teams.

Unrequired waits for the parts, instructions, information, etc.

We need to know checkpoints for finding and improving the quality of the product or service in the next phase. Quality assurance is one of the main pillars of the customer’s reliability.

The next step is to react to the problem. It should have a quick turn-around time (TAT). Fixing issues will not only improve quality but also the customer’s faith in the support. Thus the employees, the clients, and the company will get the most of it.

Organization of team members for identifying and reacting makes everything possible.

Now you have a highly optimized and relevant application with supportive OS and team. You have created a high performing product that performs exactly to the needs of end-users. This thus echoes with the market. This reduces cost and waste, leading to improving the profit in the long run. This also keeps the process on track all the time.

Avanish Pandey

October 1, 2022


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