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Top Software Testing trends to follow in 2022

Avanish Pandey

October 11, 2022

Top Software Testing trends to follow in 2020

Software Testing Trends

Top Software Testing trends to follow, As the software testing scene continues to grow through the years to come. The Astaqc team will give a prognosis on top trends in the software testing industry to follow in 2022.

We will show you the top trends in software testing in 2022, so you can make the best plan for your testing.

Artificial Intelligence for Testing

Developing AI/ML algorithms is here to generate better test cases, test data, test scripts, and reports. Smart analytics, visualization, and predictive models could help with decision making about what to test and when to test, support the teams to detect faults, areas of high risk, etc.

Astaqc team hopes to see more applications of AI/ML in solving the problems such as quality prediction, test case prioritization, fault classification, and assignment in 2022.

Big data

Big data testing helps industries to deal with massive and diverse data types.

Because more industries are shifting toward a data-oriented world it is expected to grow exponentially.

Regarding that, Astaqc predicts the need for testing big data applications will see a new rise in 2020, as it will give the following guarantees efficient processing, constant import of data with the processing of old and reducing application installation time.

IoT testing

Today IoT is a full-fledged market. As predicted by 2020, the number of smart devices will increase to 20.8 billion.

These are the checks in the IoT area:

testing the compatibility of device versions and protocols; monitoring connection delay;

safety assessment (device authenticity, availability, and correctness of authorization);

scalability testing;

data integrity evaluation.

Top Software Testing trends to follow

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QA Ops Quality Assurance Options

How to achieve QA Ops in practice?

Astaqc suggests the integration of teamwork quality engineers should work close to developers. So, as a result, that brings the best solutions for the companies, in the world with the ultimate technical revolution, QAOps expands network to DevSecOpt, DataOps, and NetOps.

They act like derivations for implementing and developing DevOps. They increase the concept by expanding IT operations involving security and network.

Dev Ops – Development & Operations

Dev Ops is a big contributing factor of QA Dev Ops include a combination of the process of software development -Dev and information-technology operations-Ops.

It’s a mix of procedures, instruments, and politics that unify process from delivery and operations.

Dev Ops is becoming a go-to solution for companies that want to shorten the software life cycles from the delivery and operation.

Agile Testing

The relation between DevOps and Agile Testing, in combination with the Lean approach, are the leading trends in software testing. Therefore this trend contributes to fast data delivery, fewer costs, and smooth workflow. The acceptance of Agile & DevOps can help software testing experts to improve and distribute excellent services.

This approach is also called the Quality of Speed.

Test Automation

The trend of implementing Test Automation brings benefits with faster delivery. It is a crucial part of Development & Operations. A growing trend is the replacement of Manual Testing with Test Automation. Automation becomes a link for Quality Assurance, Agile Testing & DevOps.

The application of automation tools contributes to faster delivery and better quality of services. Consequently, this involves cooperation and integration between teams and improvement of the testing process quicker ROI – Return of Investments.

API-application programming interface

When API and services are used across client applications, testing it is more effective and efficient than testing the client. The need for API and service test automation is the trend that continues to increase.

Having the right process, tool, and solution for API automation tests are needed more than ever. That is why it is in our best interest to use the best testing tools API for our testing projects.

RPA Testing, Bigger than Automation Testing

The digital revolution undeniable brought the rise of different security threats. We need to realize how important security testing is for a network, and systems, not only to secure transactions but complete protection of end-users data.

Performance Engineering

The task of software testing is to verify product performance, practical use, and customer value. Therefore the evaluation of the quality of the application is going to be more accurate.

In the end, small processes are more manageable to transfer to a computer.

Integration of tools and activities

Software testing teams integrate all testing tools among the other in the development process. All tools and activities are bringing together as elements of the system. For instance system functions effectively, fallowing future trends. Join forces bring growth! 

User experience test

The user-friendly product must be the priority of any company.

The application should be easy to use, whether it is used by a user or a competent software developer.

Technology is a part of our day to day life, that is why testing user experience is becoming so important, without it, it is impossible to create a quality product.

Development of testing centres

The demand for the highest quality products increases with the development of technology.

As a result benefits of creating test centres, we can see are helping to find the right resources, providing a standard QA, keeping updates on testing trends, making testing effective, etc.

Businesses are more focused on the creation of testing centres, so as a result of that, a software quality assessment process is becoming more efficient.

Mobile Test Automation

The mobile app development trend is growing as mobile devices are increasingly more proficient. For full support of DevOps, the mobile test automation must become a part of the DevOps toolchain.

The trend of automated testing for mobile app continues to expand due to the need for more advanced methods and tools for mobile test automation.

Demands for Cybersecurity and Risk Compliance

Software developing teams acknowledge the importance of security testing of their software, applications, network, systems. They also work with partners to make their products more resilient to threats, taking cybersecurity to the next level.

Testing for security also protects end-users. Because cyber threats can take place in any form, at any moment, security testing will continue to be a hot topic in 2020.

Blockchain testing

With the occurrence of Bitcoin as a digital value, we recommend block chain testing as a security check. In conclusion, blockchain testing will protect you from fraud with closing contracts.

Test Environments & Data

The rise of the IoT means more software systems are operating in various environments.

Testing teams have to ensure the right level of test coverage. The lack of test environments and data is a big challenge when applying to test in agile projects.


These are our prognosis on the most popular software testing trends in 2022.

Regardless of how the digital transformation is going to turn out in the following year, Astaqc’s testing engineers will continue to make changes and adjustments. As a result, developing industry encourages teams and leaders to constantly evolve and change.

In Conclusion, Astaqc quality reports for the year 2022 suggests, Automation has to be the driving force, not the blocking, finding better ways to automate and keep them stable for longer.

Avanish Pandey

October 11, 2022


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