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Security Testing for Web Applications

Avanish Pandey

October 12, 2022

Security Testing for Web Applications

Security Testing for Web Applications, comprises testing, accessing and recording the security level of the web application. Web developers and security administrators at app businesses often test and gauge the security strength of a web application. They use manual and automated security testing techniques. It features a multitude of processes that starts from identifying and scoping the entire application, followed by planning multiple tests. The traditional security testing process for web apps includes a series of fabricated malicious attacks. The results are recorded in a format report that consists of the identified vulnerabilities, possible threats and recommendations for mitigating the security shortfalls. In the end, it’s fair to conclude that web application security testing can be used to discover vulnerabilities on Web applications.

Why is Security Testing an Integral Part of Every Web Application Development Process?

Web applications bring the brilliant conveniences of the web to us in the form of easy to access applications. While more and more users, as well as businesses, fall for the virtues of web apps, there are cliques of "malicious" attackers that are on a quest to destroy the web app ecosystem. These "malicious" attackers always lurk around and wait till the time is ripe for security breach and data theft through web apps. This is one of the main reasons why security of a web app needs to be tested throughout the application project lifecycle. Web application security testing verifies that the information system protects the user’s data and maintains its functionality.

The team of security testers must first understand the specifications and logic implemented in the application development. Second, they must examine all possible scenarios under which the application can be attacked. Only after they think like creative hackers, can testers actually protect a web app from the breach.

Types of Web Application Security Testing

  1. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
  2. Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
  3. Penetration Testing
  4. Vulnerability Scanning
  5. Security Scanning
  6. Risk Assessment
  7. Security Auditing
  8. Posture Assessment

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Web Application Security Testing Best Practices that ASTAQC Team Swears By

Test Applications with the Fewest Privileges Possible

Even if a web application has been assessed, tested and cleared of the most problematic vulnerabilities, the problem may persist. This is because every web application has specific privileges on both local and remote computers. It is important to note that rights should always be adjusted to enhance the security of a web app. It is best to use the least permissive settings for all web applications. In order to button down the web app testing, make system changes wherever necessary. If these changes are omitted, testers will have to go back down the entire list for adjusting the settings again.

Place Security Testing Early On in Web App Development Lifecycle

Never leave security testing as the last leg in software development of a web app or for that matter any other app product. Because the vulnerabilities discovered late in the development process can undermine the app maintenance processes. Thus, it’s essential to on-board security testing effort into the process early on the development lifecycle of web apps. This not only streamlines response, minimizes risk but also minimizes costs and time spent on remediation of the app.

Always Prioritize Remediation & Bug Fixes

All businesses prioritize the output of web application security testing. Most importantly, the app testing effort in terms of security should not merely end with a list of bugs or vulnerabilities for clients. Instead, the teams must fully integrate the process with a bug tracking system in place, in order to maximize time to remediation.

"The principal objective of software testing is to give confidence in the software."- Anonymous

Why ASTAQC for Security Testing of Web Applications?

Every web app features a set of vulnerabilities that are characteristic to its genre. In other words, it’s essential to test the business process algorithms to identify weak links. However, depending only on automated tools for security testing captures just the surface-level vulnerabilities. But our team at ASTAQC addresses the threats, vulnerabilities and risks to web applications with automated security testing. We also perform Manual security testing to check false positives. Moreover, prolific threat modelling allows us to counter the risks it uncovers.

Wholesome app assessment effort requires an in-depth understanding of both the development of the software code along with significant business risks associated with identified vulnerabilities. At ASTAQC, we focus on crafting flawless web environments that suit our client businesses. Thus we work relentlessly to improve the security of their web apps through our testing effort and leave them to concentrate on their core competencies. As an accomplished application testing agency, our team weighs risks with high precision and interprets the results of scans for our clients. We then further assist them with a suitable redemption process for the application source code. Moreover, our operations comply with global testing standards such as OWASP Top 10, WASC, CERT and SANS etc.

Avanish Pandey

October 12, 2022


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