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Performance Testing for Web Application

Avanish Pandey

September 13, 2022

Performance Testing for Web Application

Performance Testing for Web Application, Modern businesses rely on web applications heavily when it comes to automating their core functions. But the fast-paced times call for online companies to be available at the click of a button, almost instantaneously. There is no scope for lengthy wait times, performance issues, errors, or service interruptions in today’s business environment. Users expect business web apps to be able to handle sudden spikes in traffic or operation volume without compromising their own experience. Even a company’s ability to quickly and

accurately process business transactions online adds up to customer experience.

New age enterprises count on web apps for running the business and fetching revenues. However, the higher the responsibility of web apps, the more significant is the risk of failure. While it is true that companies today can’t afford even short-term interruptions, complex web apps often face the risk of a complete meltdown. Cut-throat competition and uncertain economic environments require companies to pay attention to the responsiveness and stability of their online applications.

Businesses having a web app that doesn’t perform optimally whip up a recipe for disaster. Worst of all, a user spoilt for choice will simply switch off an app that lags in performance. Also, today’s users seem to be on an everlasting speed high.

Inadequately performing web apps can translate to massive losses for businesses. Businesses can mitigate performance problems and accurately predict system behavior only through efficient performance testing. For identifying performance problems, performance testing tools are used to find bottlenecks during the test run. A business that does not improve application performance through software testing loses monetary funds, resources as well as reputation in the market.

Why is Performance Testing an Integral Part of Every Web Application Development Process?

Every successful web app testing program functions on a Test Plan. Testers design test plans to keep the application’s stability, speed, and productivity at its optimal best. Performance tests are a part of a test plan for web apps to detect problems in the application’s software or hardware.

Slow processing of a user’s request can incur massive losses on the app business. Performance Testing checks the speed of the application functions and can hamper customer engagement. This kind of testing also puts the web app under

stress to review the scope of scalability. Additionally, it also detects the maximum load under which the web application can perform efficiently. Businesses use performance testing to identify the nature of the bottleneck and to highlight the software or hardware-related issues. Moreover, with the help of performance testing, companies can verify the

application’s performance on multiple devices.

Types of Performance Testing for Web Applications.

Simply put, businesses conduct performance testing to measure the amount of time and other system resources that are leveraged by a web app to execute their desired functions. There are multiple types of performance testing for a web application:

  1. Load Testing
  2. Stress Testing
  3. Spike testing
  4. Endurance testing
  5. Scalability Testing
  6. Volume testing
  7. Soak testing

Web Application Performance Testing Best Practices that ASTAQC Team Swears By

Identify the Production Conditions

Firstly, it’s best to pick conditions that the web application will face during production. The choice is evident in case the web app has already been released. We believe testers need to have an in-depth understanding of normal conditions and peak conditions for the web apps they deal with. Different kinds of performance testing, load testing, stress testing, and soak testing, etc. involve simulating potential production conditions and testing the behaviour.

Set Up Testing Environment

Businesses must conduct proper requirements study & analyzing a business’s testing goals. Also, it is essential to determine the testing scope, along with a test initiation checklist. Software testing for web apps requires testers to identify logical and physical production architecture for performance testing. It is essential still to identify hardware and network configurations needed to kick off the performance testing. Secondly, there is a need to compare both the test

and production environments. The testing environment must be averse of environment-related concerns if any.

Performance testers also need to analyze if there is any need for additional testing tools. Scrutinizing testing environment helps businesses identify any probable challenges they may face during performance testing.

Additionally, it puts desirable performance characteristics of the application like Response time, throughput, and resource utilization in view. Having a conceptual strategy, available tools, designed tests in place along with testing

environment streamlines execution effort. The output at this stage is configured load-generation environment and resource-monitoring tools.

Develop a Simulation Strategy

Thirdly, we believe it’s important to simulate production conditions for load and stress tests. Sometimes businesses find it challenging to throw thousands or millions of requests at a web app. It can be a difficult task to achieve manually. We always choose to automate the simulation exercise for the web app of our business clients. Testers can automate the

simulated requests and usage scenarios. Further, as part of the deployment pipeline, testers can proceed to automate deployment to this performance testing environment.

Specify Baselines

Performance testing is not a straightforward case of ‘yes or no’. It comes with a distinct set of thresholds and guidelines. For example, testers may decide that test response should have a specific average time and a particular unacceptable maximum time. Or some test runs may trouble testers, and still allow executing the desired function. More often than not, testers start not knowing what to expect from running tests to identify performance. That is the reason why it is essential to have initial baselines in place.

As testers, you can note how an app performs as-is by recording a large amount of data. If the run is acceptable, testers can establish the results as baselines. If the test doesn’t seem fair, developers need to fix the app product further.

Baselines can help testers judge whether or not performance regresses with time. The recorded data helps businesses target sustained improvements throughout future releases.

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Mark Benchmarks Through Performance Testing

Once you are ready to integrate performance testing into your overall strategy, you can benchmarking test results against the pre-established baselines. Intelligent businesses evaluate both the test results and their own evolving needs throughout the process of performance testing. Sometimes it is beneficial for a business to analyze if its competitors cast of faster load times or more responsive applications. This requires adjustments in their strategy.

"More than the act of testing, the act of designing tests is one of the best bug preventers known. The thinking that must be done to create a useful test can discover and eliminate bugs before they are coded – indeed, test-design thinking can discover and eliminate bugs at every stage in the creation of software, from conception to specification, to design, coding and the rest."- Boris Beizer

Why ASTAQC for Performance Testing of Web Applications?

We know the significance of first impressions when it comes to engaging and retaining app visitors. Modern app users function at their impatient best. Web app businesses only have a small timeframe to make a good impression. Accessing a web app based on performance helps companies to check how an end-user will respond to the app features and functionality. Performance testing improves the optimization and load capacity of a web app.

At ASTAQC, we deal with performance testing clearly and concisely. We look at tests as a way to eliminate attacks on the web app software under analysis. As a rule, we maintain open communication channels with business leaders to ensure that the performance of the web app aligns with their business strategy. Our team is adept at strategic decision making to bring about changes and measure performance against internal standards. Moreover, testing an app software for performance helps gauge its speed, stability, and accuracy. We conduct web app performance testing to execute bugs and fixes to ensure that the web app is scale-worthy.

Avanish Pandey

September 13, 2022


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