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How To Test Graphql API'S

Robert Fuller

August 7, 2022

How to Test GraphQL API’s

Graph QL is simply a query language for APIs that collates specific data requested by a command with a single run, this is in contrast to RESTful architectural approach to software engineering.

Right now, owing to the amount of readily available tutorial resources, learning GraphQL is relatively easier than knowing how to run tests on it. This is mainly because the tools that you will likely come across support only RESTful.

As we go on in this article we are going to look at how to test GraphQL APIs and answer some frequently asked questions as you read along.

What is a Query in GraphQL?

Simply put, a Query in a GraphQL operation is how you fetch and read data requests from a server database. These values are then reflected or written to the end-user through a Mutation process.

It’s pretty much like a request in RESTFUL to GET an item from a server database. One outstanding feature of GraphQL is that it gives just enough control room to the client by allowing custom made queries by the client, specifically tailored to what they want to receive.

In essence what this means essentially is that both operations are requests that will prompt a GraphQL server to respond with specific data from a set.Doing all of this in as little as split seconds, the

“A functionality test is undergone to make sure the Query is read and interpreted as should on the front-end.Considering factors like Machine Language, Test parameters and also the platform, one can choose from a list of test types to set up.”

How do we test a Query in GraphQL?

A functionality test is undergone to make sure the Query is read and interpreted as should on the front-end.Considering factors like Machine Language, Test parameters and also the platform, one can choose from a list of test types to set up.

On average, EasyGraphQL is arguably the most popular tool out there for GraphQL functionality testing.

There are various test methods that can be used in any immediate case including;

Query tests: These are performed to ensure that the client-side request is responded to with the appropriate data collection. Mutation tests: This is to make sure that a query is saved correctly on the database along with any modifications attached. Load tests: This test process ensures the durability of the API (within SLAs) and how it performs under pressure, while taking in a high number of requests. Security tests: Just as it’s called, the security tests check that the security details of each response is matched with the query and no sensitive data is allowed to pass without due process.

How do we test a mutation?

Mutation testing is what its name reads; testing based on mutations and modifications. The developer introduces minor modifications to the source code and in effect checks out if the test cases are able to pick up the small errors.

Ideally, codes in great condition won’t trigger any flags from the test case. If it does however this means that there is a defect in the code structure and -as it is put- the mutant lived. If the test code doesn’t detect any error then the mutant is dead. The goal is to kill all mutants.

The objective of mutation testing serves both ways in that the developer also knows when a test suite is effective and can have more tests that can kill more mutants. Reading further into the topic you’ll discover types of mutants like Survived Mutants, Equivalent mutants, etc.

Robert Fuller

August 7, 2022


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