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CRM Testing Tools and Testing Process | How it is Beneficial?

Avanish Pandey

November 22, 2022

CRM Testing Tools and Testing Process | How it is Beneficial?

What is CRM Testing

CRM Testing Tools, CRM testing is a process that ensures the software is operating correctly, that data is being saved and retrieved as it should and the reports are generated properly. CRM testing is basic to the success of CRM activities. There are essentially two general domains to test in a CRM system, they are – data quality and data conversion, and functionality.

What is CRM

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a vital part of any sales-oriented or marketing-oriented business. It contains at minimum important data about your customers that can be analyzed and used to further future sales and marketing efforts. For most companies, CRM is at the centre of business, so a poorly implemented CRM system can spell disaster. Testing CRM software before it’s implemented and again afterwards is paramount.

Tools of CRM System

The correct CRM helps to achieve contact management, Lead Management, Sales forecasting, instant messaging between employees, email tracking and integration with Outlook and Gmail, file, and content sharing and dashboard-based analytics.

There are several famous CRM tools that are used by different scale organizations like Salesforce CRM, SAP CRM, ZOHO CRM, Oracle CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Nimble CRM, Sugar CRM, Hubspot CRM, PIPEDRIVE CRM, CRM Creatio etc.

Benefits of using CRM Testing Tools

It provides a better and improved client/customer relationship.

This supports improved cross-functionality and thereby increases team collaboration. CRM offers strong efficiency in serving clients and more staff satisfaction.

It reduces cost and manual efforts.

Drawbacks of NOT using a CRM Testing Tool:

Without CRM it really gets difficult to manage customer contacts in excel. There is always a fight or moving between multiple tools.

Increases the manual efforts to a great extent.

Small Scale easily loses tracks of business deals.

Lesser accessibility of data and lesser customer satisfaction.

What should test in CRM Software

Ideally, CRM software should be easy to handle and worry-free for users. However, the components within the software and its connections to other systems can be very complex.

Without testing, tuning and retesting your CRM system, you should not be surprised if the software gives you problems. It may even damage relationships with your most devoted clients.

CRM testing should be performed by trained testing engineers who are experienced with the software. Effective CRM testing should cover:

Data Quality Tests: Test engineers verify that the software correctly handles data when it’s entered, that it’s retrievable in full and partial searches and that it’s sorted correctly.

Invalid Data Tests: Test engineers should verify that reports, graphs, tables and diagrams represent data

accurately. They should also check the extract-transform-load process and the data warehousing structure.

Software Integration Tests: Test engineers should verify that CRM software is integrated properly with

other systems, like accounting software or enterprise resource planning software.

CRM Functionality Tests: Test engineers should test workflows typically used by employees, including sales, marketing and management.

Other tests that too need to be performed during the CRM testing cycle, which are:

CRM Testing Tools: Performance Testing

During this testing process, the system will work under stress or pressure or load. This can check the consequences of several users on the performance of the system. Some of the features that need to be tested are listed below:

Peak hours testing

The highest number of users Response time

Server usage Loading speed

Error with some integrated applications

Regression testing

There will also be a need for regression testing in the CRM system as there’s a demand to test post-migration and pre-migration.

Post-migRation is checked if the values are populated into the right fields and validations are met with the data. Other areas must not be disrupted due to this.

This will check the functional accuracy and completeness of the CRM system. By doing the regression testing, the performance and authenticity of the system can be assured. Features that must be tested during this process are:

Functional completeness and accuracy Confidentiality

Reliability Scalability

Security Testing

The CRM system comprises a high volume of private data that ought to be secured. A right security test strategy supports how greatly the system preserves the data against unapproved external and internal access.

Guidelines to Note before initiating CRM Testing

1. Create a testing team

At a fundamental level, you must include:

Application developer Application analyst Project manager

QA test engineer

Also, communication is the single thing which strives for a clear perception of user needs. For developing a quality CRM, the test process isn’t possible without feedback from every team indulged in testing and target users. Keep in mind that CRM testing, planning, strategy, and implementation rely on the relationship.

2. Determine a CRM budget plan

The expense of failing to understand the situation can be high. From paying excessively for application to wasted team time to cover bespoke characteristics you can without much of doubt can overspend.

If the project manager will not consider the full degree of implementation costs the process can become very costly. So, plan a budget for everything, including:

Consultancy Fees Training

Phone costs

Data backup and storage Reduced productivity Review the payoff Handle a risk assessment

3.   Set Testing Deadlines

You’ve to be sure that you specify deadlines and ensure that every team member is aware of it. If you don’t specify it, then everybody will delay the task to the last moment and will prolong the testing process than you assigned. Also, you should be sure you’ve set a plan for what you are testing every week and what you’ll be achieving.

4.  Change Management

Incalculable change management standards exist to help battle the resistance, dread of disappointment, and poor communication that affects software executions. The buyer is the focal point of the business.

The CRM testing stage is an extraordinary time to get tips on what an individual’s zones are making your workers cope. During the CRM testing process, track these issue zones and build them into training devices for your remaining representatives once the venture has been released.

The CRM testing procedure provides your representatives with the opportunity for taking risks and commits errors that they may be hesitant to in the live condition.

By allowing individuals to slip into it, your user compliance and adoption rate will be a lot more prominent, which is an objective of numerous CRM usages.

You can dispatch the most excellent technical platform; however, in case those individuals don’t utilize it, at that point it turns into a disappointment.


CRM is all about the system of tracking and examining every interaction and communication we have with our customers and clients.

The CRM testing Tools have been used aggressively among all the companies for maintaining the organization workflows and a healthy and strong relationship with the customers. Like:

For Small Scale Industries: HUBSPOT, Nimble, CRM Creatio would be good as their cost is very low and affordable with most of the features and it doesn’t require a dedicated team towards it.

For Medium Scale Industries:, HUBSPOT, Nimble, SugarCRM, ZOHO would be a good choice as again the price is less and provides vast features.

For Large Scale Industries:, SAP, Salesforce, PIPEDRIVE, Oracle CRM would be a better choice as their enterprise edition is costly and provides good features for big companies to handle their vast customer data and for security reasons as well.

Avanish Pandey

November 22, 2022


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