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Automation Testing for Web Application

Avanish Pandey

October 16, 2022

Automation Testing for Web Application

Automation Testing for Web Application, All businesses aim to float a product to the bug-free market. However, such flawlessness can consume up to 20-40% of developers’ working hours. Time incurred in testing an app also depends on the size and complexity of the web application project. What’s more, is that a single check of functionality isn’t enough for web application testing, which remains a repetitive function. Thus, manual web app testing is challenging to

conduct, given the repetitiveness of effort required. While the testing process is an essential determinant of the success of web application businesses, just counting on the manual test to find defects or bugs in the user interface is often time- consuming, expensive, and error-prone.

Using an automation framework saves time and effort on recurring tasks. It also allows the testing team to concentrate on manual tests. Especially with test automation frameworks, testers use a vivid test automation tool to run detailed, repetitive, and data-intensive tests. Testers also work to improve app quality and make the most of their limited testing resources.

Automating web app testing allows businesses to mimic a user’s behavior. It shoulders the effort of performing repeatable tasks. Besides, automation testers create tests by writing the test scripts and test cases using testing tools.

Why is Automation Testing an Integral Part of Every Web App Development Process?

With new releases, the need for bug fix arises, and businesses often find it challenging to test the old and new functionality manually. They use automation tools with an application under test to efficiently and effectively meet their quality assurance requirements.

Leveraging automation testing frameworks helps in improving the overall quality of web applications developed for client businesses. More and more companies aim to get useful reusable test assets to attain maximum test coverage and minimize time & efforts that go into web application testing. Web application project management featuring regression work, GUI, and functionalities do well with automation testing.

Types of Web App Automation Testing

  1. Unit Testing
  2. Smoke Testing
  3. Functional Testing
  4. Integration Testing
  5. Regression Testing
  6. API Testing
  7. Security Testing
‘Software testers do not make software; they only make them better.’ Anonymous


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Automation Testing Best Practices that ASTAQC Team Swears By

Automation testing during web application development with the use of practical resources and testing tools helps businesses create flawless user experiences in a short period.

Enlisted below are web application automation testing best practices that will help to improve the product quality and maximize return on investment for the app business:

Choose the Test Cases to Automate

QA testers must identify the test cases that are likely to benefit the most from automation. For example, testers can first review the number of times a particular test needs repetition. Tests that require limited repetition are fit for manual testing. Automation testing for web applications is more suitable for those test cases that require frequent testing using vast amounts of test data to perform repetitive functions. It is also wiser to choose an automation framework for test cases that are more prone to human error. Automation testing is a viable option when it becomes difficult to test web applications that use multiple data sets. Test cases that run differently on different software platforms, hardware, or configurations are suited for automation testing.

Assign Testing Effort Based on Skill Level

Even QA testing companies with years of experience have employees with different skill levels and expertise. The process of creating tests and the automation testing efforts for web applications should be assigned based on the skill level of team members as well as the tools to be used for automation testing.

Leverage Test Design Patterns and Principles

Test design patterns and principles play a significant role in the prolific web app development process. Also, design principles depict the rules and guidelines to follow for building app products that are robust and easy to maintain. For instance, test design patterns present a more specific solution to the problem. Thus, the use of design patterns and principles can immensely simplify the process of navigating through the process of complicated automation testing, as it provides rules and instructions for handling each scenario.

Pick a Flexible Test Automation Framework

Automation testing frameworks need to run on different machines than the one that was originally used to build them. The flexibility of nature ensures that they can run smoothly across various devices. Test files should be attached to the framework if they are relatively small, instead of local machines. Larger test files can be stored in external or cloud storage.

Choice of Automation Testing Tools

Markets are flooded with different automation testing tools. Therefore it is best to select a tool that all employees can use, irrespective of their level of expertise in writing testing scripts. Besides, it is also important to note that not all devices support multiple platforms and technologies. That is why businesses need to determine the type of testing for a project, keeping in mind the operating systems on which they will run. Thus, companies benefit from the nature of automation tests that can be reused and easily maintained.

Why ASTAQC for Automation Testing?

ASTAQC offers web app automation testing that includes creating a robust automated regression suite. For that reason, we use innovative tools like Selenium, Protractor & CodeceptJS, and test automation framework design as well. For example, our team prefers Selenium regression suites to make changes to the web application codes when needful. In addition to numerous approaches and frameworks for web application automation testing, we use scripting best practices too. In brief, our focus is on scripting standards and object locating strategy in a quest to reduce false positives.

Our clients benefit from the best test automation frameworks & tools that we leverage in order to provide high- quality services like automation testing of web apps. Likewise, our test managers develop test strategies that easily integrate with various testing tools. Also, we keep release cycles on schedule & within the prescribed budget. Similarly, we work on increasing our client business’s release velocity, reducing their time to market. Thus, our team streamlines overall testing effort to fetch a significant return on investment (ROI).

Avanish Pandey

October 16, 2022


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