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All About Testing Centre of Excellence

Avanish Pandey

November 3, 2022

All About Testing Centre of Excellence

A. What are the benefits of TCOE

TCOE stands for Testing Centre of Excellence. It provides a framework under which proper testing can be done. By providing the mentioned steps and the best practices the quality of the result becomes of really high quality. The people working in it also gain a lot of well-recognized skills

B. What are the elements of TCOE

Testing Centre of Excellence mostly consists of testers or quality analysts. In this Quality Assurance leads and managers are also present. All of them are responsible to build an end to end robust system for testing of applications/features/products

Testing Centre of Excellence helps in a lot of things and phases in testing. They provide procedural frameworks so the entire testing from strategy to execution is implemented smoothly. This method of testing standardizes processes and resources in all units. It has been a very effective method of testing as it is cost-effective.

With all the frameworks, methodologies and process it really becomes easy to measure and rate the work that is being done

How many defects are being removed can serve as one of the metrics Time is always an important factor that can also be measured

Test coverage is also an important metric for a quality assurance analyst Defects by severity can also be measured and rated

The onboarding strategy can also be very well maintained in the Testing Centre of Excellence. Because there are proper procedures set up we look at people who can live up to the expectations. We look for people who are who have a very good knowledge of such a setup and are also aware of the best practices.

The governance of this method is just in accordance with the procedure and methodologies that have been laid out. The framework can easily be governed in such away. Also, we have metrics and measures that are defined. This can also be looked into to know how the process is being carried out.

C. A brief about Expansion and Execution

The execution phase is considered to be the most important phase in the entire life cycle of software development. Here all the best practices have to be followed. Here also all the cross-functional teams have been well-knitted. All the team should be properly integrated to make sure that the end delivery is of very high quality.

Prioritizing Tasks- There might be times when you are given two tasks at the same time and are asked to test it and give the result. As a tester, you should know what has to be tested first and what should be given less importance. As a quality analyst, you should know what should be automated and what should be tested manually.

If this is done or learned in a perfect manner software testing becomes easy for a QA and also helps in moving up the ladder and helps you in better prioritization. All these things only come to experience and sincere efforts.

You can wear the hat of the customer- You are a good quality analyst only when you can comprehend the needs or requirements of your customers. If the application, product, or feature does not please the client wants it is not going to help no matter how useful it might be to the company. Hence one becomes a good tester if he/she can wear the hat of the customer.

You are able to draw a comparison between software testing and real-life- The job of a quality analyst becomes really easy if he/she can relate his/her work to real life. A tester to train his/her mind to ask questions and draw test cases from every practical thing possible and then you see how the skill becomes ingrained in your system.

You are flexible and ready to support- A tester should be active throughout the implementation of the project. He/she is not only responsible to report bugs but also helps the developer in reproducing the bug. He/she should be available to support the client after the application goes live. In short, a tester has to work under tight deadlines and should be able to support all phases of the implementation.

Interpersonal Skills- A tester is expected to have good communication skills and be able to ask the right questions. They are expected to have good analytical skills as well.

Manual testing is something that is considered to be one of the most important types of testing. This is the testing where quality assurance analysts or testers perform all the tests manually. It is one of the most primitive types of testing. It also helps in finding defects in the system. Any feature/product/application should be manually tested first and then it can be automated

The primary objective of Automation testing is to elevate the efficiency of the testing project and then develop good software. Automation testing is a technique in which the entire process of the testing life cycle is automated which then reduces time and effort to do the process again and again. Like regression testing, Automation testing also used to test the application from a load, performance, and stress point of view. Here quality analysts or testers write test scripts and use software to test the application or feature. Usually, quality analysts write test scripts using different automation tools and groups them into test suites.

In a world where performance is the only thing that matters, this type of software testing becomes really essential. Performance testing is done on a system to measure its scalability, stability, responsiveness, and many other parameters. Basically, performance testing is done on a feature/application/product to understand its behaviour. Performance Testing holds a lot of value in terms of return on investment and client or user experience. This type of software testing helps the customer to know and work upon the improvement areas before going live in the market. It also gives the client some very important information about the system where the applications are running.

Continuous Integration is a process in which developers push small pieces of code to get it tested. This is mostly done multiple numbers of times in a day. Here all code written by a developer is merged so that automated builds and tests can be run on the code. Continuous Deployment is a step where all the code has been tested and moved to production. This means the software/application/product/feature is ready. It is moved to production successfully. This entire process promotes continuous improvement and helps in detecting errors really quickly.

D.  A brief about Plan of Action

Plan of Action for the testing center of excellence is really important and essential. This really helps in making the frameworks that can be used and followed upon easily. It also helps in getting a good team in place. All these things in turn help in giving software which is of high quality.

Avanish Pandey

November 3, 2022


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