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All About Outsourcing – Software Testing

Avanish Pandey

November 30, 2022

All About Outsourcing – Software Testing

Table of Contents

What is Outsourcing?

What are the different types of outsourcing? Why outsourcing?

What to look for when outsourcing?

What kind of services should be outsourced? When to outsource?

What are the challenges in outsourcing?

A brief about QA Outsourcing

What do you get when you outsource your testing to Astaqc?

What is Outsourcing?

All About Outsourcing – Software Testing, Outsourcing has become a buzz word in this century. This blog will help people understand what Outsourcing is exactly. It will also help in making a decision about whether to outsource or not. Two companies sign a contract or agreement in this. The agreement clearly states that that one company is outsourcing some X company to help build its services. The company itself could have done this service. Some other companies will be doing the work due to some reason. This process sometimes also involves giving away people. It also involves a few assets of the company that is planning to outsource some other company.

What are the different types of outsourcing?

Outsourcing can again be divided into three major categories or parts which are as follows:-

Local Outsourcing Offshore Outsourcing Nearshore Outsourcing

Local Outsourcing- Local outsourcing is quite a good option when it comes to outsourcing a company for any service. The reason being the team who will be working on will be easily available. The team will speak the same language hence there will be no accent barriers. The team will also be able to work in the same time zone hence there will be no communication gap between the two companies. Monitoring and Controlling can easily be done.

Offshore Outsourcing- This category of outsourcing includes outsourcing in parts of Asia. The advantage of this category is that it is cheap in terms of cost or rates. The disadvantage is the quality standard is also low in this category of outsourcing.

Nearshore Outsourcing- This is also a very good option for people who want quality products and output. This is of great choice if the project involves a lot of thinking which is creative in nature. It also has the advantage of having a good team with skilled people in them.

Why outsourcing?

Outsourcing has a lot of advantages to it. The second advantage is that by outsourcing the company can now aim to dedicate their efforts and time to attaining their business objective and value. Outsourcing services is a very cost-effective approach.

What to look for when outsourcing?

Business Reputation- The reputation of the company with whom you want to make an agreement is really essential.

Communication- Communication and collaboration is key to any success of a project. In the outsourcing world as well it really becomes necessary to keep this in mind while outsourcing.

Budget- The budget of any outsourcing project holds a lot of value. The return of investment holds a lot of value as well.

What kind of services should be outsourced?

Top five services which should be outsourced are the following:-

IT- Development, Quality Assurance and many more can be outsourced. This would help in saving money and also get experts work on it.

Accounting/Finance- Accounting, Finance, and many more can be outsourced. This would help in saving

money and also get experts to work on it.

Marketing- Marketing strategies, content development, and many more can be outsourced. This would help in saving money and also get experts work on it.

Customer Support- Customer support strategies and many more can be outsourced. This would help in saving money and also get experts work on it.

Logistics- Logistics and many more can be outsourced. This would help in saving money and also get experts work on it.

Consulting- Development, Quality Assurance, and many more can be outsourced. This would help in saving money and also get experts to work on it.

When to outsource any service?

When outsourcing is something which is an important and crucial part of any company to decide. There is some piece of work that can be given off to some other company so that the time and energy of the company can be spent on the major objective. This step is important to consider when it comes to seeing the return on investment. Also, a company should outsource its service if they want some experts to work on that project. The reason is that it is a cost-effective approach rather than hiring people and buying systems and Softwares to do the same

What are the challenges in outsourcing?

Few of the challenges faced during outsourcing are:-

Getting good outsourcing companies has been a really difficult task

Getting an outsourcing company who is trustworthy is also a fairly challenging task Collaboration and Communication become challenging when you are outsourcing a service. Solving queries and giving timely support also becomes a task when a service is outsourced

Finding an outsourcing company which in the end would give a good return on investment is also a task nowadays

A brief about QA Outsourcing

In Information Technology industries along with development, Quality Assurance is also being outsourced. Outsourcing a Quality Assurance team would mean having a team that is skilled and experts in the field of software testing. It means that the mean has vast knowledge on all kinds of software testing be it manual, automation, security, performance, integration, system testing, and many more. An outsourced Quality Assurance company usually has knowledge about various kinds of tools that would be used to do all types of software testing mentioned above. An outsourced Quality Assurance company has people who have hands-on experience with all the tools mentioned above. They will follow the best practices to do the same. The team will follow all the guidelines and help in streamlining the entire Quality Assurance process of the company that has outsourced its Quality Assurance service

What do you get when you outsource your testing to Astaqc?

When outsourcing your testing to Astaqc Consulting, you get a whole lot of advantages. Astaqc Consulting provides an entire Quality Assurance service. It has skilled people in their team. They are experienced in different domains Also, the members of the team have good knowledge of all the tools and recent technologies in the market. Astaqc Consulting believes in customer satisfaction and makes sure the return on investment is something that is met by the client


Avanish Pandey

November 30, 2022


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